Hi! My name is Benjamin. I started dancing about a year ago, and since then I have noticed how this has helped me thrive at school and feel calm. It makes me very happy to dance and learn new moves each week.
I am launching this small online store with the help of my parents, as I am only 9 years old. Having seen closely how mental health issues affect many children and young people, I would like to be able to donate some of the proceeds from the sales ($2 for each item sold) in my online store to headpsace to contribute to young children and youth programs. Here’s some information headspace shared with me:
headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25-year olds. Each year, headspace helps thousands of young people access vital support through our headspace services in 154 communities across Australia[1], our online and phone counselling services, our vocational services, and our presence in schools. headspace can help young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health) alcohol and other drug services, and work and study support. For locations of headspace services, as well as factsheets and resources for young people and their families and friends, please visit the headspace website.
[1] As at May 2023 and inclusive of licensed headspace centres, satellites and outposts.